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14 Sentimental Pet Loss and Memorial Gifts to Keep Them Close to Your Heart

“Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, you were bigger than the whole sky. You were more than just a short time.” —Taylor Swift

unique pet loss memorial gifts

Losing a pet is a tremendous loss. Your pets, whether they be feathered, furry or scaly, are members of the family, and hold a deep place in your heart. As you navigate the waves of grief, finding ways to remember them can feel so cathartic. Pet memorial gifts can be a great way to create and keep a physical reminder of them close, so if you’re looking for a way to memorialize your beloved pet, read on.

Losing a pet is a tremendous loss. Your pets, whether they be feathered, furry or scaly, are members of the family, and hold a deep place in your heart. As you navigate the waves of grief, finding ways to remember them can feel so cathartic. Pet memorial gifts can be a great way to create and keep a physical reminder of them close, so if you’re looking for a way to memorialize your beloved pet, read on.

Whether you’re searching for unique pet loss memorial gifts to gift to someone, or a pet memorial gift to keep in your own home, there are so many ways to create sentimental condolence gifts for pet loss using Classic Photo Books. From snuggles and adventures to storybooks and pics of your dog as a ringbearer, there are plenty of ways to use pictures and words to create photo books that honor your late best friend.

Personalized Pet Book

Print every toothy grin, lazy nap by the window and side-eye in a Classic Photo Book that’s essentially a love letter to your bonus family member. You can even include screenshots of text messages you’ve sent family and friends with those can’t-miss photos and the heart-eye replies.

Collage Your Way Down Memory Lane

If you have thousands of photos of your pet and want to include them all, collaging is the best way to go! A Classic Photo Book can hold up to 366 pages, and if you collage your photos you can fit thousands of photos of your pet, from puppyhood to sweet senior years, you’ll have a beautiful storybook of their journey.

Poems from the Paw

Put your emotions into poetry using the captions and text pages of a Classic Photo Book, and pair it with pictures of your pet on adjacent pages. Write from the heart and capture your companion’s spirit in the pages of your photo book.

Adventure Book

If you and your pet often went on adventures together, whether that’s the local dog park or hours-long hikes up a mountain, these are the perfect pics to print! Include everything from the beach days to the road trips so you can remember all of your explorations together.

Snuggles for Days

Whether you have a serial lap napper or a pet that claimed a cushion as their own, the snuggles are where it’s at. You probably have hundreds, if not thousands, of photos of your companion napping and cuddling — and it’s important to print the photos of when they’re the cutest! For your cover, photo opt for a pic that includes you and your best bud snuggling together.

Pet Quotes

You may be looking for heartfelt or inspirational quotes to lift your spirits and help you remember your pet as you grieve, which is why adding quotes and messages about pets to your photo book can be cathartic. If you ever posted your pet on social media with funny Instagram captions, add those too (or print a screenshot)!

Artsy Pet Book

This is the perfect opportunity to turn your pet’s side-eyes and flairs for the dramatic into a heartwarming photo book that’ll make you smile. Play with filters, effects and different layouts and turn the pics of your pet into art, plus you’ll really get to show off their personality and spirit.

Family Photo Book

Every member of your family had a relationship with your pet, from play fights with dad and games of fetch with you to the day your baby came home from the hospital to the last snuggle with your teen on the couch. A family photo book is a great way to showcase how your pet was loved by each person in your family.

Seasons of Love

From sniffing the flowers in the spring to rolling around the snow in the winter, your pet has seen a lot of different seasons — and found ways to get muddy through them all! You may want to organize your seasonal photo book in “seasons” of your dog's life, from toothy puppy and sassy adolescent to loving adult and sweet senior.

Rainbow Bridge Memorial Book

For this pet, and any others that may have crossed the Rainbow Bridge, you can fill this memorial book with photos, memories and a heartfelt letter to your late friend. Add family and friends as contributors to your book so you can include every photo and memory together (and that way every family member can have a copy)! If you’re looking for cat or dog loss sympathy gifts, this is a good one.

Tribute Calendar

Using a Classic Photo Book, add images (or opt for a collage) of your pet and on the adjacent page, either add a photo of the calendar year or use the text page option to create your own.  Or, go the Yearbook route and organize your photos of your pet and print each year. You can also pair each photo with quotes or memories so each month you can reflect on that time with your late pet.

“In Loving Memory” Photo Book

Create a journal by printing photos of your best friend, leaving the adjacent text page blank. Once your book arrives, handwrite memories and messages to your friends on the blank pages, and leave room for other family and friends to add their reflections on the pages. Together, you can reminisce about your favorite memories together, which helps to keep the spirit of your late pet alive.

Pet Recipe Book

Much like a family recipe book, you can document your pet’s favorite treats or meals in a recipe book in their honor (or include in your family and friend recipe book!). From those pumpkin cookies and the peanut butter biscuit, you know your pet would love to have a taste of this culinary tribute!

Superhero Pet Storybook

Collaborate with your family on a personalized pet storybook that mirrors your pet’s personality, moods, quirks and best qualities. Include pics of your superhero pet on one page and add your story to a text page on the adjacent side — this way, your pet’s adventures can continue between the pages and during bedtime stories. 

Losing a pet is a profound and heartfelt loss that changes a home. Our cherished companions are family members whose absence leaves a hole in our hearts. Creating pet memorial gifts can be cathartic, and is a great way to continue to remember our pets (the good, the bad and snuggly). So, whether you're seeking unique pet loss memorial gifts for a grieving friend or a personal keepsake to honor your own late best friend, you can remember every trip to the park and sassy side-eye with a beautiful photo book keepsake.

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